Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles published a fourteen page article with seventeen photos about our project at Alys Beach in their July issue. Once again, AH&L Editorial Director Clinton Smith executed the photo shoot with precision. Photographer Erica George Dines and her artist husband Michael were equally charming.
Getting ready for a photo shoot is always interesting. I spent hours pondering what rooms will be photographed and from which angles. To prepare, I photographed each room myself to critically examine it from a distance. A list of “deficiencies” was prepared and action plans developed.
Ultimately, it is their show, which means you have to be prepared for anything and everything must be the best it can be. The shoot certainly helped prioritize projects and speed up the timeline on a couple of

I did spend time fussing over several wardrobe selections for shots of me I had imagined they would take. Instead, they used impromptu shots taken in clothing purchased at an outlet mall (horrors!)
Erica was one of the first photographers to drop film for digital. Her shots appeared on a nearby computer screen seconds after pressing the shutter button. At the end of each day, we hunched over her Mac and excitedly reviewed the day’s shots.
I am very pleased with the resulting article. (Except the aforementioned photo of me). I think the photos really capture the essence of what the house really feels like. I hope you enjoy it.
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